Organic, Vine (Carrion)

Species: Organic. Breed/Type: Carrion. Class: Organic. Align: Evil. Gender: N/A.


Level: 21 + 1-D10. Damage-Points: 1-D12 x level per vine.

Number encountered: 1-D6 +3 vines appearing.

Experience-Points: 36 x level per vine.



Awareness: Hearing: 0, Sense of Smell: 0, Sixth Sense: 0, Taste: 30, Touch: 40 (this is considered as its vision), Vision: 0, Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 0, Constitution: 40, Coordination: 5, Dexterity: 40 (See: "Special Offenses"), Intelligence: 0, Mental-Strength: 0, Strength: 40, Wisdom: 0.



Flying: Can't. Grounded: 3. Swimming: 1.


Luck: 25.

Oxygen-Points: 0 (does not need oxygen to live).




Serrated Spine Strike - : 1 per vine.

Damage ------------------- : 1-D8 (+1-D8 per level advanced).

Range --------------------- : 8 spaces (40').

Attack type -------------- : Sharp.

Special -------------------- : Puppet Master: See: "Special Offenses".


Defense: 5 (base % roll to dodge only). 40 for each vine to defend.

Offense: 40.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

11+ for 1-D6 +2 items.

Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart.

All treasure will be within the cluster of roots within this creature.



Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.

Description: Length: 40'-0". Posture: Organic vine. Plant color: Dark-green. Weight: 300 Lbs.


This creature appears as a lengthy green vine with serrated blades.


Dislikes ----- : Tainted and polluted water.

Disposition - : Mean. This organic kills for the pleasure of killing.

Fears -------- : None.

Habitat ------ : Dark Forest and other regions.

Immunities - : Pain and all forms of poison.

Life-span --- : 800 years.

Likes -------- : Killing and slowly feeding off of the creatures it destroys.

Needs ------- : Basic needs of life (soil, food (corpses), water, Etc.).

Note --------- : None.


Special Abilities:

See: "Special Offenses".


Special Defenses:

Hurled weapons do only 10% damage, and enrages this creature. When enraged, it will move at x3 speed and causes x2 damage for 3-D6 turns.


See: "Special Offenses".


Special Offenses:

When this creature kills another creature, it's roots will pierce, entangle its victim, using it to destroy more creatures. Any creature this organic horror slays will animate by way of its vines, thuse retaining 50% of all attributes possessed in life (not special abilities -- merely the physical attributes (damage, characteristics, Etc.). All slain and entangled creatures will do the bidding of this organic nightmare.


There is a 40% chance of this creature having 1 creature already ensnared when encountered. Roll a random creature from this region's setting. If a creature is ensnared, roll again for another 40% chance for it to have previously ensnared yet another creature. Keep doing this until no more creatures can be ensnared.


Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: Fire causes +50% damage.

Weapon Susceptibilities: Rank-0 non-magical weapon to harm.